Play with toy guns and you might scare your neighbors. Play with a metal replica of the Fallout 3 minigun, and you’ll scare anyone and everyone so bad you’ll have the cops chasing you in about half of no time flat.
Lucky for you, this cosplay minigun was also built with a Brotherhood of Steel Power Armor to match. Being all metal – thick looking metal – probably makes it bulletproof. It will also make you about as agile as Robocop, and Robocop was not agile, not for a human and not a robot.
Completed back in March, by an unnamed and unknowable guy, this awesomely beautiful Power Armor hasn’t gotten anyone shot or arrested so far, but there’s still plenty of time – it’s just so bloody gorgeous it will probably be changing hands for decades to come, or at least until a studio buys it for B-movie production.
Where really, that’s where it belongs. It was made for hitting the deck with stuntmen inside, though they, suffering the pain of metal on bone collisions, would not appreciate it for all its worth. If it came with eyes, they would have the elusive glint of Hollywood stardom already in them, or at least the glimmer of video-bin princeliness.
And give the guy who made it a starring role in the A-team 2 movie, because it only took him a month of, presumably, round the clock work, which is worthy of an A-team + McGiver prize of sorts.
Now watch more metal suits doing their metal thing, with this cosplay War Machine entry and the real life Iron Man suit.