12 Best Game of Thrones Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Winter is coming has become so much more than just a quote by House Stark in a A Song of Ice and Fire.


And with winter there’s Christmas, and with it Game of Thrones ugly Christmas sweaters, a must for fans of the series.The most popular show in the world (if download numbers are something to go by) has quite a lot of fans who’d love to share their love with their families and friends on Christmas, hence the huge selection of ugly Christmas sweaters dedicated to Game of Thrones, out of which we’ve picked the best ones:


Game of Thrones ‘The North Remembers’ Ugly Christmas Sweater

Game of Thrones 'The North Remembers' Ugly Christmas Sweater

The mummer’s farce is almost done, but at the pace George R.R. Martin is writing, the closest we’ll get to the ‘North Remembers’ moment of truth is this ‘North never forgets’ Game of Thrones ugly Christmas sweater.

Game of Thrones ‘Ho Ho Hodor’ Ugly Christmas Sweater

Game of Thrones 'Ho Ho Hodor' Ugly Christmas Sweater

If Hodor was popular before his famou ‘Hold the Door’ moment, he’s on a whole other stratosphere of popularity, which shows with the amount of Hodor-related fashion items out there, including this cute ugly Christmas sweater.

Game of Thrones Winter is Coming ugly Christmas Sweater

Game of Thrones Winter is Coming ugly Christmas Sweater

The Stark house words are’ Winter is coming’. It also means it’s time to get their Christmas sweater out of the closet, but it’s going to be very cold very soon.

Game of Thrones Christmas is Coming Ugly Sweater

Game of Thrones Christmas is Coming ugly Sweater

I’m not sure if this is a reindeer or a stag, which belongs to the house Baratheon sigil (before Stannis “fixed it”)

Game of Thrones Let it Jon Snow Christmas Sweater

Game of Thrones Let it Jon Snow Christmas Sweater

Jon Snow looks emo and grimmer than usual on black & white, with a Christmas hat on his head. For some, it’s the season to be jolly. For others, it’s the season to pout and put on a grumpy face on a ugly Christmas sweater.

Game of Thrones House Sigils Ugly Christmas Sweater

Game of Thrones House Sigils Ugly Christmas Sweater

This Game of Thrones ugly Christmas sweater has the major house sigils on display: Lions (Lannister), Falcons (Arryn), Dragon (Targaryen) and Direwolf (Starks).

Winter is Coming House Sigils Game of Thrones Christmas Sweater

Winter is Coming House Sigils Game of Thrones Christmas Sweater

Another ‘House Sigils’ Game of Thrones Christmas sweater, this one a bit more elaborate, with the Greyjoys (Kraken), Tully (Trout) and Baratheon (Stag). I like it just a tad more.

Game of Thrones ‘Mother of Dragons ugly Christmas Sweater

Game of Thrones 'Mother of Dragons ugly Christmas Sweater

Daenerys Targaryen is anything but ugly. However, she makes for a wonderful face to put on a ugly Game of Thrones Christmas sweater.

Game of Thrones Dragons Ugly Christmas Sweater

Game of Thrones Dragons Ugly Christmas Sweater

Some people don’t like Daenerys, but they do love her dragons. This ugly Christmas sweater is for them.

Game of Thrones ‘Shame’ Ugly Christmas Sweater

Game of Thrones Shame Ugly Christmas Sweater

A TV moment turning into a meme, just like the walk of shame and especially the ringing bells with ‘shame, shame, shame’ in the background of Cersei’s humiliation; that’s how you know you’ve made it. Appearing on a ugly Christmas sweater? Even better.

Game of Thrones ‘I Drink and I Know Things’ Ugly Christmas Sweater

Game of Thrones 'I Drink and I Know Things' Ugly Christmas Sweater

Tyrion does a bit more than just drink and know things, but his famous quote looks great on a Ugly Christmas Sweater.

Santa on the Iron Throne Ugly Christmas Sweater

Santa on the Iron Throne Christmas Sweater

I’m not sure if this George R.R. Martin or plain Santa Claus; whoever it is, they look pretty cool on this Christmas sweater, sitting some sort of Iron Throne version.