A Tasty Treat: Lobster Case For iPhones

Sometimes, you need more than just protection for the things you love (you know, like your iPhone), and the perfect solution comes in the form of a lobster case.

Sometimes you’re just not in the mood for sleek, modern and edgy, and just want hilarious. For those times the team at Noddy Boffin created one of the weirdest cases we’ve seen inspired on lobsters, the tastiest creature in the sea.


Now, you’re sure to have the most unique iphone ever. There’s no way you’d lose this, on top of it all. It’s a win-win situation, right?

Source: Gizmodiva

There are more cases that might or might not strike your fancy, but we recommend you check them out anyways! Head over to Build the Ultimate LEGO Creation Using Your iPhone Case and The ‘Scuba Suit’ Case Lets You Use Your iPhone Underwater.