Stackable Tetris-Themed Led Lamp

Tetris is just one of those classics, so beloved and played that is more an icon of modernity than just a game. And as such, it can be used as theme for fashion and style statements.

It’s retro time! If you ever felt like you could use some extra leds in any room, this lamp with a Tetris theme will add just that, along with an extra geeky touch. The Tetris desk lamp comes with 7 pieces that you’ll be able to play with and mount any way you want. When these pieces connect, though, that’s when they light up.There’s not even an on/off switch, it’s just connecting the pieces what lights them up.



This lamp is being sold at ThinkGeek for $39.99, so if you want yours, be sure to pay them a visit.

Also, check the lamp in action in the video below:

Source: ThinkGeek via Bitrebels

For more stylish pieces to put around the house, check out The Cereal Bowl Lamp: Now This Is Creativity! and A Lamp To Die For: 9mm Gun Wall Sconces.