12 Perfect Geeky T-Shirts for ‘Stranger Things’ Fans

It didn’t take long for Netflix to realize how huge Stranger Things has become, and some fantastic T-Shirts are now available for fans of Eleven, the Upside Down and the Hawkins A.V. Club to geek out with, and flaunt their love for the show.

Stranger Things Title T-Shirt

Stranger Things Title T-Shirt

The classic shirt, with the neon-lights title, which personally reminds me of ‘The Wolf Among Us’ (video game) in visual style. It’s available in black, navy blue, royal blue and white.


Stranger Things E.T. T-Shirt

Stranger Things E.T. Shirt

The show is filled with 80’s references and especially Steven Spielberg movies (including one from the late 70’s). This one screams E.T. more than anything else. Available on Amazon

Stranger Things The Upside Down T-Shirt

Stranger Things The Upside Down T-Shirt

Kids riding bikes on one side, a kid being chased by the monster, for lack of a better name, on the other side. I love the concept of the upside down, and I’m an even bigger fan of the whole E.T. look in the shirt, and references in the show itself. Available on Amazon in men & women design.

Stranger Things Letters & Lights T-Shirt

Stranger Things Letters & Lights T-Shirt

There are a number of ways to contact the actual realm from the upside down. One of them is electricity, which led to the wonderful scene of Will trying to contact his mom through the Christmas lights above the letters. Available in black, brown, green, navy and olive.

Stranger Things E11e T-Shirt

Stranger Things Elle T-Shirt

When she gets in that kind of mood, you better watch out. The red, for the nosebleeds, and the bleeding she causes in others, is a perfect fit. Available on Amazon

Stranger Things Kid’s Names T-Shirt

Stranger Things Kid's names T-shirt

The dynamic foursome of Mike, Lucas, Dustin and above everyone, Eleven, along with their friend stuck in the upside down, Will. A pretty neat idea, for those who love a shirt that’s about reading instead of visuals.

Stranger Things Poster T-Shirt

Stranger Things poster t-shirt

Great looking poster from a show that’s awesome, and has brilliant visuals on top of a terrific plot. Available on Amazon in four different colors. It’s also available in poster form.

Stranger Things Eleven for President T-Shirt

Eleven for President T-Shirt

Not a bad idea considering how unlikable the two current candidates in the presidential race are. However, we probably need a president who had some kind of normal childhood, and not whatever El had. Available on Amazon.

Stranger Things Barb RIP T-Shirt

Stranger Things Barb RIP T-Shirt

Unlike Will, Barb couldn’t escape the monster on the Upside Down, and ended up being forgotten by almost everyone, except for Nancy, although she’s not that occupied with it, considering everything else happening. Available on Amazon

Stranger Things Be a Barb T-Shirt

Stranger Things Be a Bard T-Shirt

I’m not sure being a Barb is the best advice in the world, considering she’s left alone and dies in the show. Available on Amazon

Stranger Things Hawkins Middle School A.V. Club T-Shirt

Stranger Things Hawkins AV Club T-Shirt

The perfect shirt for radio geeks, even if they aren’t fan of the show. Available on Amazon

Stranger Things Gorillaz T-Shirt

Stranger Things Gorillaz T-Shirt

Something of a parody t-shirt that combines the artistic style of The Gorillaz musical group, and the awesomeness of the original quarter in Stranger Things, before Will gets kidnapped and Elle changes the balance.