The Complete Web Development Course: Make Cash-Earning Websites

High-schoolers and college students who are just getting started with Web Development could turn to The Complete Web Development Course: Make Cash Earning Websites for a great information resource on this topic.

One of the most recent additions to the eLearning category of our store, Walyou Deals, The Complete Web Development Course: Make Cash-Earning Websites by Development Island is a comprehensive guide on how to create Web pages, interactive sites and even mobile apps, and all that at a heavily discounted price. The course is particularly great for people who are just delving into Web development, since the authors leave from the premise that you have no coding experience whatsoever. This means that you’ll start with the basics, and by the time you finish the course, you’ll be an expert in the areas listed above.


Just to give you and idea about how much content this course envelops, there are more than 306 lectures and 56.6 hours of videos on the creation of Web sites and mobile apps. First of all, you’ll get accustomed to the most popular and frequently used languages and frameworks that are currently available. Once you do this, you should have an idea about what you would like to focus on next. Regardless of the path you will chose, HTML5 and CSS3 are essential for any Web developer, so learning these is a must if you want to build and style Web pages properly.

Javascript, jQuery and JQuery User Interface, some of the best tools you could possibly use for creating interactive sites are also covered in this course. However, interactiveness isn’t the only aspect you should focus on, as the sites also need to be very responsive, regardless of the device they’re accessed from. This part is covered in the lectures about Twitter Bootstrap. Also, the course touches PHP, Ajax and MySQL in some of the lectures, and while these may seem to be for advanced developers only, knowing at least the basics of all of them can’t hurt.

Not at last, you’ll learn how to develop mobile apps for both iOS and Android, and how to deploy them to their respective stores. This may seem a bit unrelated to the rest of the course, but if you’re getting into Web development, you might as well develop for mobile platforms, too.

The Complete Web Development Course: Make Cash Earning Websites can be purchased in our store, Walyou Deals, for $29. That’s a 90% discount from the original price of $300, so if you feel that Web Development is something you might like, get the course within the next four days. Going through all of the content included in this course may take while, but at the end of it, it will be well worth it. Thanks to the endless list of skills you’ll be able to add to your resume after finishing the course, landing that dream job will no longer be something unreal.

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