Mac as an Artform: Artwork created on Apple Computers


Every once in a while we run across an artist taking a little step back and focusing on making electronics and Technology into an art piece. Satta Van Daal, an Australian street artist has painted Apple related imagery on new and classic Mac computer products. While this artwork may seem simple, it is a really creative way to decorate your Mac and different peripherals. With this, your old Macintosh or favorite Apple notebook could become a powerful reminder of the great Apple brand.



What is painted on these?


Whether it is an old Macintosh computer, iMac, Powerbook, or other items, the colors and design just fit the project. An ode to Steve Jobs and the Woz may be seen on most, and the colors bring it a little more life.


I could imagine these as actual commercial products that provide personal customization, but for a different niche. There are more than a few companies that provide your very own personalized and customized laptops to be painted with your favorite sports team, company logo, or other images you personally provide.


Still, these Macs Van has painted have a personal touch – the love for the Mac.

Via: Gizmodo