Geeky Christmas Trees

Are your Christmas Trees already decorated and ready for Christmas? Most likely you have already been prepared for a while now, waiting for Xmas to arrive, so you can open your presents, spend time with your family, and play your Geek toys and video games without feeling guilty.

In case you are still looking for some Tech inspiration, we have gathered a bunch of Geeky Christmas Trees that are sure to light up your home, your Geekiness, and make you proud to shout out and admit your Nerdiness. Who knows, maybe you will like these so much, you will end up taking down your old tree and making a new one. If not, you can also check the Geeky Christmas Ornament Collection for some Holiday add ons or check out the Nightmare Before Christmas Collection for some last minute gift ideas.

Hard Drive Christmas Tree


This imaginative Christmas Tree seen at TechEBlog is a wonderful use of old Computer Hard Drives…70 of them to be exact. What a way to be a Geek this Christmas!

OLED Christmas Tree

Just in time for Christmas, Slashgear presented this OLED Christmas Tree from GE. The brightness and imagination are extremely impressive.

The Student Christmas Tree

Just because you are in your dorm for the holidays and cannot go and see your family, doesn’t mean you cannot improvise and create a very quick Christmas Tree. Every Geek can find this Book Shelf Tree a simple and very viable solution as seen in InformationNation. I mean, what is wrong with it? Creativity is totally accepted this holiday.

The 2nd one from JingJunk is another Geeky way to arrange books to bring in the spirit. It may have been done to lure people to come in the shop, but c’mon…it is a new Christmas Tree either way.

Math Geek Christmas Tree

I for one do not want to be solving Geeks Math problems for Christmas, but this Tree from TVSnob is a really great creation. What is it for I have no idea, but it is still funny to look at.

Video Game Christmas Tree Wishes

This was a Christmas Wish from Gamertell just last year, and it is highly creative remake of the old classic video game. When I see things like these, it makes me appreciate the holiday season.

Frat Party Christmas Tree

So this may have been a frat initiation or creativity to celebrate the holiday. Either way, this Christmas Tree from FunnyHub is a great way to build a tree with whatever you have available. It is funny though that the barrels and lights were available, but they didn’t think of using an actual tree. Why? More barrels available?

LED Christmas Trees

I wasn’t sure about this one from DVICE, but then I thought, simplicity is sometimes extra special. It may not be made from paper, but it still isn’t too extravagant and just there to prove a point…Merry Christmas.

On second try, I found this other Christmas Tree project from HackedGadgets which is really impressive, lighting up as it’s spinning.

Ok, so third time is a charm. Make has showed a Battery Christmas Tree DIY that may be tiny but the result is beautiful.

Apple Christmas Tree

Similar to one of the Christmas Trees that is made from books, this Apple Tree from Metromorphosis is a promotional gimmick, but it is still a great presentation for Geeks. C’mon, Everyone get happy!

Lego Christmas Tree

What would a collection of Christmas Trees will be without Lego Creations? Actually…it wouldn’t be. Lego is a common need when speaking of Geeks, and this one from SimonsRed with a Lego Santa is a great touch for this holiday list.

Christmas Tree Projector

christmas tree projector 1

Via: RareBeasts

Pacman Christmas Tree

Last year, SlipperyBrick presented this Pacman Geek inspired tree just in time for the Holidays. Extremely bright and colorful with the characters, items, and look of the Classic Video game, it makes a definitive Xmas item for Geeks.

Tech Christmas Tree Extravaganza

So this Christmas Tree from Internetsiao may not be as clean or elegant, but it used up so many different electronics. In case you have some geeky memorabilia which you may not know what to do with, a great idea is just hang it up…makes your spirit full of old batteries, mp3 players, CD’s and more.

Christmas Tree Mac Script

Macscripter showed a Geeks Xmas script for Macs. This Christmas Tree illuminates and is animated right on your Apple screen. You may be alone for the holidays or unable to get a real tree, so this is a great alternative to have…without the huge expense.

Papercraft Christmas Trees

Ok, so calling this Christmas Tree from Cambodia4kidsorg may be far fetched, but it is the thought that matters. Someone may have provided a challenge to use whatever is within arm’s length, and so this papercraft creation with a CD hanging above came about for the Season’s end.

The second one from CoolBusinessIdeas may be a little neater, but doesn’t stand tall next to the other. Still, it is also nice Christmas Trees ideas for those having to work late and still want to celebrate the spirit in one way or another.

Another DIY Christmas Tree Project from Make, it is a Tree Projector which should not be overlooked.

For more amazing Christmas images of Cool Trees and Geeky Ornaments, please check out the huge collection of 194 Christmas Trees and Ornaments for 2009.