Solar Powered Portable Speakers Design


All geeks secretly wish for sleek portable speakers for their laptops, iPods, mp3 players and other gadgets. This latest design concept of solar powered portable Gramo Speakers seems just right for such geeks. Created by designer Pekka Salokannel these speakers are made of foldable three layer solar panel.



Extremely sleek and portable, these speakers can be attached anywhere to any systems. They have inbuilt rechargeable battery which can be charged by solar energy. They are ideal for outdoor parties.


The best part of the design is that the two faces, one with Solar Panel layers and other, probably the speaker surface can be flipped around. The whole thing can be folded easily and one just has to open it up and let the music flow. When opened, Gramo Speakers looks like a sleek black lamp shade. Designs are surely getting innovative. There was another speaker design in a different product concept which looked like flies.

Sadly this is only a design concept as of now. But given the utility Solar Powered Portable Speaker will become a real geeky product soon.  Moreover it is an eco friendly idea so it should sell fast.

Via Hardware Sphere