LSSE Kit is all Prepared to Fight for Survival against Natural Calamities

Various disasters like earthquake, landslides, volcanic eruptions and cyclones are natural hazards that kill thousands of people and destroy billions of dollars of habitat and property each year. To use disaster management strategy to deal with such unexpected situations, LSSE (Locate, Support, Survive and Endure) is put into use for the support among disaster survivors, search and rescue, and volunteer networks.


LSSE Project, designed byIshac Bertran, Jacek Barcikowsk & Eric Norman Stevenson, consists of four connected modules: LSSE Kit (for rescuee), S&R Field-Tool (for rescuer), Dashboard (for coordination), and Volunteer Network (for support). The devices used enables audio and video communication between rescue workers and the victims, with additional support material for helping survivors remain calm and patient.

This kit is designed for ease of use with expertise training in the event of disaster requiring triage of patients, with modules minutely detailed in systematic way.

S&R Field-tool is handled by a rescue worker to reach out to survivors using multiple LSSE Kits, quickly transitioning between them, while the dashboard provides detailed information about the location of mobile LSSE units. The Volunteer Network consists of people with different skills like psychologists, doctors or people that can provide support to survivors.

The most intriguing part is the way LSSE is designed and created, with a set of intuitive, robust and easily replaceable tools that can survive in extreme conditions, along with touch screen devices like iPhone, Android Phones that are equipped with connection modules and interface usage. So lets all join hands to fight against disasters, with the best technologies available.

For other cool projects from we previously presented, check out the Linyl Light Records, Comet Phone Booth or the Journey Into Sound work.