If you’re a magnanimous fan of Super Mario Bros. and you spent some of the greatest times of your life playing your Nintendo, with a few close video game fanatics of friends, you’ll certainly recognize the theme song of the greatest video game in history.

You may have seen musicians who cover songs in the exact same way as the original producing such a similar result that you can’t even make out the difference between the two, but have you seen musicians, like Shane Bangs who use spare parts or just some stuff lying at home and create or cover songs in their own unique way?
Shane Bangs is what you can call a pencil musician, who has recreated the original theme of Super Mario bros. in an impressible way. By using two spare pens and by shaking and tapping them on a desk and an empty glass you can’t deny that he’s done a superb job.
Bangs manages to produce a variety of sounds using just his two pencils and keeps up with the fast pace the song takes towards the end. Shaking the pencils and tapping the desk and empty glass creates a result which is just brilliant!
Do check out the Super Mario Piranha Plant Pez Dispensers or the Super Chic Mario Bros Characters Sneakers Look Cool.
Via: technabob.