Snatch Land Rover is Cooler than Your Hummer

It’s hard to say what the gas mileage for this beast would be, but it’s far cooler than a Hummer at least as far as the concept pictures go. The previous version of the Snatch Land Rover (SLR) was not-so-lovingly nicknamed a “mobile coffin” by the British soldiers that have used them in Iraq and Afgahnistan.  Moreover, the previous version of the SLR provided protection against small-arms fire, but not against IEDs and other nasty explosions.

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This new concept vehicle, designed by Bob Bogdan Williams, is made to handle a wide-range of conditions, including: desert, mud, jungle rain and ice. A suspension that is a little-bit quad bike and a little bit skateboard allows drivers maneuverability in the harshest of harsh terrains. Other nifty gizmos include “on-demand” night vision and heat signature targeting.


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The British Army has been looking to replace the previous Snatch Land Rovers because of SLR’s less-than-reputable safety record. Alternative designs and options include vehicles with increased armor that can protect soldiers from IEDs and rockets. The SLR designed by Williams features enhanced armor, cool gizmos and video-game coolness. No doubt this is a pimp-my-ride version of the previous SLR sans spinners and deluxe sound system.  If you need something a little more stylish for you next mission you might want to check out the Hummer Tank Mod or the Pink Tank we reviewed a couple of years back.

I don’t personally have a need for this kind of awesomeness – but that wouldn’t stop me for taking one for a test-drive. I’d assume that the added armor would help decrease insurance prices, I’m just not sure if the thing will fit through the MacDonald’s drive-through. Sadly this design is just a concept, albeit a masterful one. Bob Bogdan Williams is a third year Product Design student at the University of Plymouth. In my opinion his design for the Snatch Jaguar Light Armored Personal Vehicle is even cooler – offering a little less clunky design. The Jaguar is something that you might actually take for a nice country drive.

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