Badass Giant Robot With Gatling Guns

Saving the world day after day is not an easy task, and a giant robot like the KR01 might not entirely solve the issue, but we’re sure it’ll make it a little easier on your end.

A monster has surfaced in Gigazine: this giant mechwarrior armor might be the most brutal and blunt display of badassery we’ve seen in a while. It weighs 4 tons, stands 13 foot tall and, most important of all, and faithful to the japanese tradition, can carry a human inside of it.

The mech is controlled by iPhone, which should be proof enough that Steve Jobs was up to something. He planned to take over the world, not with iPads, but with mechs! That’s why this prototype wields two machineguns that (get this) are activated when the user smiles. Yes, you read that right.

The KR01 is a million dollar project introduced at the Wonder Festival by Suidobashi Heavy Industry in Tokyo, Japan. Keep going to see more pictures, and even a couple videos of this monster.

Via: Obvious Winner

You can check out some other androids ready to inflict some pain at Badass Mechanical Animals and RoboCops Patrol South Korean Prisons.