10 Best Teacher Appreciation T-shirts Ideas

They say, teaching is the noblest profession as those who take this path take part in cultivating the minds of the young; they take part in what kids learn and who they become. Would you agree this is true? If you do, you can join the many people who show appreciation for their kids educators through teacher appreciation gifts. Thinking of what to give your kid’s teacher’s to express your appreciation? One idea is to give them teacher appreciation t-shirts with cute, funny and/or cool designs. This way the teachers can have a nice reminder of their craft that they can add to their wardrobe.

These teacher appreciation t-shirts are great to give for the last and first day of school to show appreciation to your kid’s teachers.

Take a look at these 10 interesting teacher appreciation t-shirts here:


1) I Am Your Teacher Star Wars Shirt

You happen to know a teacher who is a Star Wars fan? Or probably you just want to rub off your geekiness for Star Wars to teachers, then this is a good choice. Regardless, this is a fitting gift to teachers; could be a perfect outfit for teachers to remind their students who’s authority in a Darth Vader fashion.

For added variety, you can also opt for v-necks, tank tops, long sleeves and hoodies. Order here.

2) Love Unisex Teacher Shirt

Teachers do not only share knowledge and skills, as part of their day to day, they also spread love to their students. Having said that, the “love” text made put together through office supplies drawings in the t-shirt’s design could be one of the cool and interesting choices for teacher appreciation t-shirts.

If you’d like to buy a number of shirts for a few of your kid’s teachers, these love t-shirts are available in dark and light gray, black, as well as white. It is also offered in v-necks and in long sleeves. Buy here.

3) Retro Rainbow Teacher Shirt

Just like how teachers make your kid’s days in school colorful, make theirs, too, by giving them something to appreciate their good work, such as this rainbow teacher t-shirt.

4) Teach, Love, Inspire Teacher Appreciation Shirt

Teachers are working their day to day to teach kids, your kids. But more than that, they also share and spread love around in class and all around; they can inspire and affect inspiration to your kids, too!

These kinds of teachers are a blessing to kids. And if you want to show your appreciation for them, this teach love inspire t-shirt can be a good choice. It looks cute with the drawings, too, don’t you agree? Cop a shirt or two here.

5) I Teach Super Heroes Shirt

Teachers are great because they take the role of parents in school and give time to your kids while you, the dear parent, takes her time to work for your family. It’s the teachers’ job to do that, but also noble to take good care of them and genuinely help your kids to grow as intelligent and kind beings. Well, your kids can’t be part of the Avengers or become a Marvel or Justice League super hero, but a hero in their own right, through proper guidance from the teachers.

Give the teachers the boost they need in a fun and cute way through this I teach super heroes shirt!

6) Teacher Shark Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo Shirt

We all remember this Baby Shark hit song. Well, at a time, it played evrywhere. Surely, teachers also played that song for the fun of your preschool kids, among the other fun things they did for your little ones. To show appreciation for these teachers, here’s a fun and cute reminder of that song, with a little reminder — both for the teachers and the kids — to do (and doo) your best.

As a bonus, this shirt allows you to choose a custom color for the shirt and font. Nice to give variety to the teachers right? Grab this shirt here.

7) Teach, Love, Inspire Shirt

Looking for more designs? Here’s another classy option for a teach love inspire shirt that you can give to your kids’ teachers. This shirt is available in the women’s and unisex variations in small to 2XL sizes and in a multitude of colors, too! Take your pick here.

8) See You Later Alligator Shirt

When talking about songs preschool children learned at school, the See You Later, Alligator song will definitely be part of the list. It’s that fun song teachers use to end the class on a fun and bright note. You can remind your kids’ beloved teachers of that nice song they taught your kid through the shirt that explicitly tells that story.

This shirt is available in black and in various sizes and made through quality heat transfer vinyl process. Grab this cute See You Later Alligator shirt here.

9) Teacher Off Duty Summer Vacation Teacher Appreciation Gift T-Shirt

Everyone needs a break from what they do, even teachers. Their lives are very busy honing and teaching your kids, and maybe even creating lesson plans or preparing activities for the kids from their homes. Remind them that while you, as a parent, appreciate the work they do, they also need a break. While they’re at it, you can allow them to remember you, the appreciative parent, through this Teacher off duty shirt. Looks really cool and fit for the summer break!

This unisex shirt is available in various sizes and colors, too! Get this cool teacher appreciation shirt here.

10) Don’t Make Me Use My Teacher Voice Shirt

There will always be unavoidable moments when kids get too rowdy or they become unattentive, among the many challenges teachers have to face when dealing with a group of kids. Admit it or not, sometimes kids can cause such stressful moments to teachers, which may lead to the need for teachers to become authoritative aka using her teachers voice to get the attention of the class.

To help the dearest teachers with that dilemma, is this funny and an itsy bit threat-inducing shirt, which they may wear in class just as a reminder to the kids who’s boss.

This nice-to-wear shirt is available in various colors and you can also choose from black and white fonts, for the teachers. Get your customized teacher appreciation shirt here.