Find and Share Professional documents with Docstoc

DocstocThe Internet continues to grow quickly, and more and more individuals are sharing personal stuff all over the net such as pictures (Flickr, Photobucket), videos (Youtube, Metacafe), articles (Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon) and even personal information (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Social media websites are only in the beginning, and we are likely to see many more social driven websites launching in the very near future.

Just recently I found a great site Docstoc, which allows you to find and share professional documents. Have you ever searched for information that you would like to acquire? Now you can easily find thousands of free legal forms & business documents such as employment contracts, Intellectual Property, Mergers & Acquisitions, etc…just by browsing in their database, for free. In addition, since Docstoc is a user generated community, more and more professional, legal, technological, educational, and creative documents are continually added and easily found. It doesn’t stop there!

Another great feature this website offers is the ability to embed the document you found. Just like a cool video from YouTube that can be easily shared by a given embed code, so are Docstoc documents able to be offered to the community and the Internet as a whole. See how to do it here.


After opening an account with Docstoc and using it for a little bit, I found a number of great documents. For example:

1) 55 ways to have fun with Google

2) Most clever marketing ads

3) 10 Mistakes people make before starting a new business

Oh and last but not least Docstoc are giving away a $50 Amazon gift certificate every day (until Christmas Eve) to the User that uploads the best quality document each day, you can read here about Docstoc’s holiday giveway contest rules.

If you are also searching for different professional documents, I must admit that Docstoc is a great and powerful resource. In case you did not find a document you wanted, they also have a request section for all its users.