Walyou has a New Face: 1 Year Later

Old Walyou Logo

After a long and exciting year, Walyou is proud to present our new design. We hope it will allow us to grow to a bigger platform and interact with more readers, friends, and partners.

Since the beginning, we have worked hard on Walyou and are really happy with the current results. We have also been extremely fortunate to make so many new friends, that have provided us with wonderful feedback, assistance, and support. This does not make our readers, which many have become true friends as well, any less important, for they are those who return and grant us true feedback of how we are doing.

No statistics, figures, or numbers could make us feel better than the emails we receive daily from our visitors about ideas for future posts, words of encouragement, or simply a casual hello that brings a smile to our face.


Walyou wants to thank everyone that helped us along the way, including Liat Aaronson for her support and assistance since day one, our head designer Valerie Behrman, and our main programmer Ran Temam. Special thanks goes to Andrew Tingle for the wonderful header and logo design, Antonio Lupetti and Muhammad Saleem for all the great tips, Manish Pandey the SEO Expert and so many more. Please do not be offended if your name was not mentioned, because there are simply so many people to take our hat off to.

While we always loved the way Walyou looked, we wanted to create a new feel that would keep our cleanliness but combine it with an atmosphere that allows a bit more interaction. The new Walyou will maintain the integrity, content, and personal feel but add to it a whole new experience. Moreover, we wished to present our friends and partners in a more respectable way and believe the new Walyou delivers so.

We will continually praise all that support us or comment on the progress and encourage any ideas anyone is willing to grant, especially your honest feelings about the new look. Moreover, Walyou seeks additional members for our family, either by guest appearances or actual writers adding their style and personality to Walyou. Furthermore, we have always seen fellow Bloggers and other websites as friends and collaborators and not as competitors, so please feel free to contact us with any inquiries.

Thank you so much for a wonderful year, we hope to see you again and again.

Out with the old, on with the new.

Yours truly,

Eran Abramson and Tal Siach
