11 Bizarre Gadgets That You Don’t Want Your Mom To See

In today’s world new gadgets are released on a daily basis. There are so many gadgets out there and for some of us, many become a big part of our lives. In order to increase our daily utility and have more fun, we constantly seek new gadgets that would fit that need. This means that many of us continually hunt for the next weird gadget, productive tech product, or even something just to bring a shock value. Regular USB gadgets, cool watches, and funny gizmos sometimes just don’t cut it and there are some weird gadgets out there that would raise more than a few eyebrows. Literally, gadgets that you would not want to bring home and show your mom. This is a cool list of 11 bizarre gadgets which some family members just wouldn’t understand, so why try?

1. ‘Lethal Weapon’ Espresso Machine

I have always been freaked out by the prices of today’s coffee, but this espresso maker just looks scary by itself. The Saeco Etienne Louis espresso coffee machine looks like something from a B-Side Science Fiction movie, and you know what…I love it. What can be cooler than something that will make your coffee and also be a lethal weapon for protection.

Designed by Carlo Borer, the sphere is steel made, and both its spikes and legs are made of polished aluminum. Probably the price will scare the heck out of us as well.

Bizarre Espresso Machine

2. Guy Fawkes Facial Toner Mask

The Guy Fawkes mask similarity is apparent, including the Man in the Iron Mask, or even the Phantom of the Opera musical, but this mask is actually to tone your face.

I am not sure if the light pulsation from the 9 Volt battery or the 26 gold plated contact points actually do the job of reducing wrinkles, but I would scare myself if I looked in the mirror while wearing one. Yes, with the adjustable headband, it is for both men and women.

15 minute daily treatments are supposed to clear your face of aging, but do we really want to hide behind a scary mask to do that? If you are still interested or want to read more information about this crazy product, you can get more details or purchase here.

toning mask

3. The USB Hub Monster

This freaky looking USB mutant is enough to either be a productive USB hub or keep your children away from all your different gadgets. A multi-legged creature from Instructables could actually be a black sheep within your family but provide some great effective and artistic accessory for your home or office.

You can make your own using just a 7 port USB hub, short USB extension cables, armature wire and some black fabric to give the monster some clothing.

I would love to see my mother’s face if she walked into my room and saw this USB monster staring right back at her.

The Usb Monster

4. The Scary Interactive Mirror

Remember the room of mirrors in some amusement parks? I loved getting in front of them and getting the freaky looks staring right back at me.

This mirror though, designed by William Gurley actually gives you some personal interactivity. The magic wand will let you become Harry Potter and distort your own image as you move it around the mirror.

The Crazy Mirror Wand

5. Brief Safe – Protection Against Thieves

Although these briefs are not too attractive, the brief safe could deter thieves. They are actually a great solution for travelers that may leave some money back at the hotel. Just imagine a thief going through your belongings and seeing this pair of underwear laying around. I am fairly certain they would think twice before checking this pair of underwear for some valuables.

I know I wouldn’t touch these, would you?

Safety briefs

6. The Swiss Army Sunglasses Gadget

Whether it is the summer or not, sunglasses are a daily used item that can also protect our eyes. But it would be great if they pack a not so little surprise – just in case you need some extra tools with you.

Rodd Miller designed these Future Sunglasses which may be liked by your mother to begin with, but if all the tools spring up from it, you can probably scare her away.

As great as Swiss Army Knives are, some of us don’t want to carry an additional gadget with us. These sunglasses combine the additional productivity (in case) but within a product we already use often.

It is fairly customizable, where you may select from over 240 different tools that you would like inside, such as: paintbrushes, knives, back scratcher, corkscrew, comb, and much more.

Swiss Army Sunglasses

7. The End of the World USB Hub

It may seem like a harmless replica of a villainous device on the surface, but your parents may think otherwise, and airports may not look kindly if you try to bring it with you.

The Doomsday device has not one, or two but three safety switches before you can press the “end of the world” button. The great thing is that while you are planning your scheme in your room or corporate tower, it is actually a great 4 port USB hub to connect your evil gadgets to.

We have never actually pressed the button, because you know it is clearly a “don’t press the red button” scenario.

8. Sonic Grenade

There are a lot of ways to prank your friends or coworkers, one way can be a loud wake up alarm using the Sonic Grenade.

As the innocent victim sleeps, you creep up like a commando in the room. You pull the trigger on this sonic grenade, throw it in bed with your friend, and take cover out of earshot. The loud, piercing alarm will wake them up faster than any stereo, drums, or a parent could.

The catch – there is only one way to stop the madness: replace the pin in the grenade. So please make sure you do not misplace.

Just like The End of The World USB Hub, you do not want to be caught with this gadget at the airport or even worse – a bank.

You can purchase your own here.

The Sonic Grenade

The Sonic Grenade

9. Egg Separator

This gadget may actually be the one that could keep your mom off of your case. Keep it in the kitchen for her, granting her an easy way to separate eggs.

Utility-wise, this could be a very practical gadget for your mom, but its look may cause her some nausea.

While she is baking some cakes and cookies for her wonderful and loving family, you could be in your room devising some additional plots to take over the world.

The Egg Seperator

10. Mechanical Cat Paws

This one is just plain weird: a mechanical operated cat paw. What is it used for? Have a personal back scratcher, tap a co worker on the shoulder, or simply tell yourself it is a good luck charm.

Use with caution if you are allergic to cats.

Crazy Cat Paw

11. Chair USB Powered Ass Cooler

It is hot in the office and sometimes our work room is scorching just as well. If you just can’t find the time to step away from your desk, and instead of warming your seat, you feel it is heating you up…then this USB Ass Cooler is for you.

USB connected, it brings you a fan from the bottom up. A fan is installed in your actual chair, so you can have a personal air condition that is just in your space. This may make you the envy of the office, and many may flock to be around your cool aura.

If you wish, you can check out the manufacturer’s site here (foreign language).

Chair Ass Cooler

This is the end of our 11 Bizarre Gadgets, but I am certain there are many more out there. If you ran across some other weird gadgets that should have been included, please let us know about them in the comments.