Foldable Speakers for Easy Digital Listening

I’ve always been a fan of pocket-sized speakers and Computer Speakers and finally here are some that fold which fits my style.

This foldable pocket speaker is lightweight and connects to MP3 players, PDAs and other digital products like media players.



I often listen to music via my Nokia cell phone, and I’ve wanted to buy a pocket-sized speaker to listen in while I work. I’ve never really gotten accustomed to listening to music on my laptop, and would much rather have a handheld device manage my music. These speakers seem to get the job done.

I can enjoy my music on the go on my Nokia, and if I need to use it at home or in an office-setting, I have all my music in one place. It makes perfect sense. I doubt if anyone is into boom-box stereos since the passing of disco.

These lightweight speakers do the job using a 3.5mm stereo audio plug. The speaker can also be folded neatly to fit inside your pocket. So, you can really listen to your music outdoors, as well, without having to resort to earphones.


Here are the specs for these compact speakers:

Pocket Size, easy storage

With Power On/Off Switch

Using 2 x AAA Batteries

With Power indicator

External power supply 5V power adapter or USB Power Cable

Suitable for any MP3/MP4, PMP, iPod device with 3.5mm stereo plug

Product size: 10.7 cm x 8.0 cm x 2.5 cm sells these foldable pocket speakers for $18.99

Source: GeekAlerts