Download PC Pandora 5.2 Free

pc pandora for free

Pandora for PC is the well familiar name when monitoring your computers matters. Whether you want professional security or if you a parent trying to make sure your child’s are protected from growing Online danger PC Pandora is what you have to afford. Now the good news is Pandora is giving you their version 5.2 as a free download to promote their oncoming version Pandora 6.0.

Once installed the PC Pandora 5.2 takes care of all of your computer usage by anyone using your computer. It monitors and records all activities on your computers and constantly takes screen shots, logs events, key strokes, web browsing activity and almost all possible event that a user does. It even has the facility to monitor IM chats if you’re away from your home it has built in IRIS feature which emails you everything it’s recording so that you can monitor everything while you’re on the go. The best part is that it has two modes of execution one is stealth mode and another is visibility. The first one makes Pandora Download easy to work without getting seen so you can have a better control and reliability you can access it via HotKey  and the second one as the name suggests it executes in a normal operation where you can turn it off.

Starting on christmas (December 25th, 2008) to the new year (January 1st, 2009) the company is giving you all their Pandora PC 5.2 version absolutely free to download. You can get your registration id delivered right in your inbox. Just follow these steps:


Navigate to make sure that you select the Backup cd checkbox.

Enter the promo code as PCPANDORAHOLIDAY or SLICK8 and click proceed to step2

In the next screen you will be prompted to enter your Name, E-mail id etc. complete the details and submit it.

You will receive information regarding how to download Pandora PC and activate your 5.2 version. Follow the steps and it is now yours.

Remember this free giveaway is available till 11.59 PM on January 1 or the download counter hits 50,000 so make sure you grab yours quickly.