Facebook to Introduce User URLs


Facebook has changed the way we connect with people and friends, and having one’s identity secured on Facebook has become mandatory for personal and official reasons online. Until now, Facebook users have been annoyed with the fact that one would not got a unique url and instead would be assigned a number like “id=897652074”. The numbers are not only difficult to remember but also look dirty if you wanted to give your unique Facebook profile address to people.



All that will change come June 13th. Facebook will now provide user ids that will also act as your url. Hence, instead of a long url with the weird and annoying number, you would have a clean and chic looking url just like Twitter or MySpace. Your url would have the same privacy settings and you can decide who views your profile as you already could on Facebook. You can choose your username and url on a first-come first serve basis by visiting Facebook.


If you already have a Facebook account, the Facebook guys have already put up a notice on everyone’s home page about the instructions. The option would be made available from 12:01 a.m. EDT on Saturday, June 13. Once you choose a name, you won’t be able to change it and hence you better be careful and sure enough. I guess Facebook finally realized the need for unique URLs which were already available on 9other social networking sites. I would say, it is about time!