The Mimo Mini USB Monitor Lets You Multitask with Efficiency


You are looking at your computer’s best friend and companion. It is the Mimo Mini USB Monitor which can be plugged into your laptop or computer. It enables you to widen your desktop and stop shifting between windows when you want to work with more than one document at a time. The Mimo Mini USB monitor lets you multitask with efficiency while at home or in office, whether you want to read emails, work with photoshop, read or watch a video, all at the same time.

The Mimo Mini USB monitor can be oriented to view landscape or portrait views. It gives you and extra 7″ and 800 x 480 extended desktop to work on once connected to your computer. It does not need any external power, just plug it in and you are all set to go!


Take a look at some more pictures taken by users of the Mimo USB monitors…

Some other interesting USB gadgets that you should definitely take a look at are the multi-functioning USB hub mousepad calculator and the miniature folding laptop cooling pad.

The Mimo USB Monitor is available at starting at $129.99 and up.