Our good friends at 6Rounds have started a contest with the prize being 6 separate official Google Wave Invites for you to try the new wave of Google preview and join the revolution. By Official we mean that Google themselves have provided these Invitations and are not selling so on Ebay.
6Rounds is a great new chat platform that takes chat to a new level to be able and play actual games with your partner, watch YouTube videos, insert effects, and further interact…thus making chat a lot more fun, interesting and worthwhile. Moreover, they are currently the only chat extension for Google Wave, so they have a lot going for them.
Google Wave Invitation Contest:
Entering the contest is completely free and painless, but it does deserve some creativity on your part. All you would need to do is create a short screencast of your chat with a partner that show different effects, games and fun activities you can do with your chat partner. Remember, have some fun with it and then upload it to YouTube.
Based on 6Rounds instructions at their Blog, you would simply send the link to Natasha and be entered in the contest.
October 8th is the last day they will except the video links for the Google Wave Invitation contest, and after actual Google Wave users will vote on their favorites…Google Wave invite winners will be announced on October 12th.
Of course, winners of the Google Wave Invitation will receive further credit, for their winning screencast will be shown in the 6Rounds Blog and home page along with some special effects and a new soundtrack.
As an example, you can watch a 6Rounds screencast below by two happy 6Rounds users…who were entered in the contest for a Google Wave Invitation.