This cool new skype phone conceptual design is definitely made for users with discerning arty taste who want a little crazy look in addition to functionality. Having said that, I am a bit defective in the arty gadget area, and for the life of me I cannot figure out what this is supposed to look like, although it does look really cool and futuristic in a bright and colorful way. A bit like Kermit the frog meets the future of technology or something.
Although this device looks really cool, and given that it is meant to be more artwork than a future phone, and I’m not sure if the jagged edges and unwieldy design will make it in the least convenient to use. On the cool side, the keypad is touch screen, and the network of lines connecting the numbers to the ‘S’ at the top looks really awesome. What I’m not sure about is whether the keypad can be removed, because I noticed a little triangle next to the bottom which makes it look like you can slide your finger under it to remove the keypad. HJC Technology, the company that created this Skype phone seem to imply that the phone was only created for aesthetic value, and if that is the case, they have done a brilliant job.
Have a look at the base of the phone, it is definitely not something I would want in a house with little children around.