Super Mario Brothers Sweater Vest Design

super mario bros sweater vest

First coming in market in the year 1985 Super Mario Brothers has made a new revolution in the history of video gaming by appearing in over 200 different video games, and there are several games on Super Mario which make him the hero of every kid or gamer in this Earth and it’s become the best-selling video game series of all times.

After seeing its popularity, people have also started creating many resembling Mario like golden Mario, Mario chairs, and designs using Mario. This is the latest version where Super Mario is acting as the main protagonist but in a different role as to save our body from cold and germs in the form of a Sweater Vest. This new Super Mario Sweater Vest which will not only give us a stylish geeky look but even keep us warm in the bone chilling cold with its top quality wool.


As you can see, this one is sleeveless and matches anything and everything from jeans and T-shirt to formal Shirt and trouser with tie. The design of the sweater is very unique and the row of rocks around the sweater used Fair Isle technique. To know more about technique of knitting you can check the site of this Super Mario Vest.

Just wear this and go out of the house with a warm body and have a good laugh at those people who will be shivering beside you as their sweaters won’t be having the strength of Super Mario.

You can see some more Super Mario apparels like Super Mario Brothers T Shirt and Super Mario Metal Gear T Shirt you may like in different way other than sweater.

super mario brothers sweater vest

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