You must have noticed that there have been a lot of Hookah joints coming up in your neighborhood lately, and if you are not familiar with what it is, the hookah is a Middle Eastern instrument through which people inhale smoke for recreational purposes. It is usually associated with something exotic, royal and is seen in most nightclubs, bars and even certain restaurants where smoking is allowed.
If you could not afford a Hookah for yourself, you could try and be inspired by Kirkfog at Instructables and build one for yourself. Kirkfog used an old file server and painted it in different colors in order to create the “Yahookah”. The yellow pipe looks garish but with a little adventurous spirit and a few geeky friends, you really could have a lot of fun with this Hookah.
You could use the instructions given to build your own computer case hookah. However, you must bear in mind that even hookahs are just as dangerous as cigarettes for health. You could also check out the E-hookah Gadget that is simply awesome. If you are more into case mods, then the Kratos God of War Case Mod is stunning and the District 9 Computer Mod is a little Alien.
Via: Geekologie Via: Instructables