Photography and being geeky may not go hand in hand always, but the things that you could do using a little science, Photoshop and geeky orientation of personality could be amazingly surprising.
Here is the 1UP Mushroom by Jon Beard who used broken bulbs, Photoshop and sheer creativity to create it. This Photographic project required many bulbs to be broken with different intensities of brightness, and in a dark room, he used the camera to shoot the smoky filament of bulb while it still burned.
Using Photoshop and certain photographic techniques, he created this cool Mushroom which resembles the Super Mario Brothers mushrooms which we have all grown so fond of. In a cool DIY Guide, he reveals how he used several bulbs in order to create an artistic portrayal of a burning mushroom. You could try it too, and even create patterns that may veer significantly from the original piece of art.
In fact, you could use your geeky thoughts to create wonderful Photographic images that combine the results of shards of glass, broken bulb filaments and Photoshop. If it turns out well, do let us know in the comments section as well! We would love to see it as well! You could also check out the Focusdrill, which allows you to become a great photographer. The Lego App helps you turn ordinary pictures into artistic mosaics.
Thanks Udi for the tip!