17 Cool Military Inspired Gadgets

The nation’s army is always concerned with developing new technologies, knowhow and prototypes that may help in defending the country from external and internal aggressors, and these could include several complex machines and several nifty cool gadgets.

While the military rarely divulges information about all the gadgets it manufactures or develops, there are several regular companies that have nothing to do with the army, but use army-grade technology to develop new gadgets. These military inspired gadgets are not only cool, but also highly technical and advanced in nature.

Some look really cool and you would find it difficult to believe that the manufacturers of these products had no connection with any army whatsoever. Thus, if you want a gadget that looks like it comes from the military, here is a great collection of 17 Cool Military Inspired Gadgets that all Geeks and Techy Individuals would appreciate.


iKey Prototype

If you were a corporate honcho but were still looking for a rugged, wearable computer technology enabled device, you should go ahead and try the iKey prototype by SpecOps. It comes with enhanced situational awareness which is required by soldiers in battlefield. The iKey prototype works pretty much like any other desktop but is totally portable as you can see.

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Delta Unit Robots

Wireless Video Inspection Robots is a cool series that includes the Delta Unit. It can be used as an affordable surveillance robot by the military but mostly civilians may end up using it for monitoring their own houses.

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Miniature Batplane

cool spy plane bat plane

This cool Spy plane looks like a miniature Batplane with as much sense as Batman himself and extra tech as required from Military and Army innovation. It consists of different micro electronic features for increased surveillance and awareness, including a camera, radar, sensors and more.

Terminator Exoskeleton

Robotic Soldier Suit

If you were a fan of Terminator, here is an Exoskeleton Gadget that many would think was inspired Terminator. Well, actually, it is strong enough to be used by the military and hence could be a great gift to people who are into Terminator and military games.


Dick Tracy Wristwatch

Dick Tracy Wristwatch is a device designed for the Israeli military by Tadiran Communications and comes with a video system called V-RAMBO. Live videos would be streamed from airplanes, helicopter and other vehicles to soldiers on the ground so that they can plan their attack. It can be used by the general populace too in terms of agriculture or even mining.

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Military wrist computer

Military wrist computer is yet another army inspired gadget that is rugged, and comes with a wireless Linux operating system. It can withstand water, dust, heat and other natural elements. It is inspired by the military and could be used by just about anyone.

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Ocean Diver

This particular gadget may not have anything military-based about its technology or specifications, but it certainly looks like it could be used by those navy men who fight in the seas. If you always liked to look like a macho navy guy, you could take this water widget when you go diving next time.

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Zypad the Wearable Computer

Zypad WL 1000 is an amazing wrist worn PC that has been manufactured by Eurotech group. It might have been built with a vision to help the soldiers in their tasks, but it could be used by just about anyone else!

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Robotic Spyplanes

Robotic Spyplanes can be used for medical purposes as they are coded to send medical supplies, blood samples, saliva, and other bodily matters. A person on the ground can control its movements. Though designed for the military, it could be used by paramedics.

New Vex Robotics Kits

It could help you build your own home android-army and thanks to the Wi-Fi control system, you can control all of them seamlessly via any computer. The robots can also communicate with each other, just like soldiers can.

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Wrist worn flexible OLED

This particular Wrist worn flexible OLED has been designed for the military folks, but can be used by the civilian populace as well. The key features are it is wearable, flexible, and has a 4-inch prototype screen.

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Logitech Mice

Of course, Logitech is known for their computer accessories such as keyboards and mice. So what makes this particular Logitech Mouse special? Well, it comes with the military-sounding Darkfield Technology which allows the mouse to work properly on any possible surface.

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Bomb Proof Wallpaper

Berry Plastics and the US Army Corps of Engineers have come up with what is being touted as bomb-proof wallpaper. It is aimed at protecting soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, but can be used by paranoid geeks as well.

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Iron Key Flash Drive

iron key usb flash drive army gadget

The cool Iron Key USB Flash Drive is part Mission Impossible and part Spy Gadget, for it is a practical USB Flash Drive that is encased in epoxy based compound that will destroy the USB if anyone attempted to break it, open it, or penetrate its data. Moreover, the extra security also has a backfire on the owner, for if anyone enters the passcode wrong ten times in a row…the data will also self destruct.

Red Tent for the Military

This is a prototype for the military housing needs, and allows the soldiers to be stationed in civilian areas in times of disaster perhaps, and allows them to be recognized immediately. It can also be used by over-zealous garden-campers.

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Jawbone ICON

Jawbone ICON is an amazing Bluetooth headset which looks really sleek. Now, you might wonder what it is doing in a list of military inspired gadgets but it comes with the dreaded brains of the makers of NoiseAssassin. NoiseAssassin is the world’s first and only military-grade noise-eliminating technology.

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Transcend Storejet

This amazing hard drive comes with super rugged case and could even be used by the military to store sensitive documents. It is practically indestructible.

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These and many other military inspired gadgets allow us to know what exactly life is like in the army. If you have someone in the army, getting a military inspired gadget could just be one of the ways through which you could show your solidarity towards soldiers.