Walyou Random Roundup [June 19, 2010]

Walyou Random Roundup for June 19, 2010 includes a Ninja Turtle, Gran Turismo 5, Fridge Concept, E3, RC Hummer, Captain America, Stay Puft Marshmallow, BuddyFox, Keanu Reeves, MacGuyver and more. We hope you you enjoy the roundup and have a wonderful weekend!

the real ninja turtle image thumb

1. The Cutest Lil Ninja Turtle You Ever Did See! (Geekologie)


2. Dear Phone Book People… An Open Letter (I Am Bored)

3. What the English Goalie Was Thinking (College Humor)

4. If MacGyver had a cousin…(The Berry)

5. New Fridge Concept is Awesome, Scary (Mental Floss)

6. Gran Turismo 5 New Trailer and Release Date (PS3Maven)

7. Guy Constructs 13-Foot Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Costume (Asylum)

8. Why Comedians Die Young (Holy Taco)

9. Captain America Teaches Energy Conservation In Classic PSA (Comics Alliance)

10. Sad Keanu Reeves gets ‘shopped (The Chive)

11. When To Play Your Vuvuzela Horn Chart (Fork Party)

12. Super Mario Lights Up Your World! (WiiNoob)

13. Inside a Wave: Epic Photography by Clark Little (Dark Roasted Blend)

14. BuddyFox review – Instant messaging finally in Firefox (Geek With Laptop)

15. E3 Coverage 2010: Guy Gear (Ask Men)

16. Divetek Inflatable Raft/Underwater Propulsion Concept is Summer Gold (Geeky Gadgets)

17. This Miniature RC Hummer Brings Off-Roading To Your Office (GadgetHim)