Shellbot: a Robot within a Shell Design

Even imagined that you can build a smaller “core” robot that will function within a larger robot “shell”? If not, take a look at the Shellbot – a robot encased within a shell.


To design a Shellbot like Norio Fujikawa, you will need to build the core robot or the corebot at first, which will have the controls and power system.


The corebot will be just like a normal robot. After your corbot is ready, encase it within a larger, metallic shell and your Shellbot is ready to operate.


Since the corebot is safely encased in the shell, damage to the outer shell usually doesn’t affect the functioning of the Shellbot.


You can bring your own creativity at play to design the parts of the Shellbot so that it resembles a human with legs and hands, just like the images shared here.


If you are interested in robots, check out the Target Tracking Robot and the Travel Assisting Robots.