The BA Smartphone is Here to Deliver More than Usual

It may be yet another phone design but this smartphone promises to give you much more than what you could have got till date. Welcome to the world of BA Smart Phone.The name says ‘smart’ and smart it is indeed. Take a look at its keypad. Every key is distinctively visible and has a generous size. You will never again mistype characters. You might, however, wonder that in this age of touchscreen phones why is BA paying so much emphasis on its physical keypad? Believe it or not, there is a huge section of mobile phone users who prefer a physical keypad over a touchscreen one. Reasons are almost similar to those that can be attributed to the unpopularity of the onscreen keyboard of a computer. It is much more comfortable using a physical key; and to make things more comfortable, broad and distinct keys are always welcome.

Now comes the interesting part. The designer of this BA Smart Phone, Sebastian Maleville, understands the importance of the touchscreen feature as well. The screen on which typed characters appear has a touchscreen feature. The question here is, “why have a touchscreen display with a physical keypad?” Evidently, the phone is divided into two equal sections. Try flipping the lower section – the one that has the keys. The lower section will rotate on an axis sending the keys back and bringing the rear side to the forefront. What you have over here is a large touchscreen.


In one move you can switch between a physical keypad and a touchscreen one, and vice versa. At the same time you can alter the size of the screen as well. That is really smart thinking. Use the phone vertically or horizontally, the choice is yours. The phone, like many other phones, also has an inbuilt camera. The enlarged screen serves as a view finder for capturing photos. The screen can be flipped over to make the camera face the user enabling one to take a self-portrait as well.

Aluminum has been used for the body of the phone giving it a super strong feature. The appearance is very clean and simple making it absolutely user-friendly. Be it a child or an elderly, it will comfortably suit all. The designing has been done and all that remains is the production. There is no doubt that the BA Smart Phone is bound to be widely accepted by one and all.

If you have been planning to buy a new phone, make sure you go through Flip Phone and Key Swing Phone.