The Star Wars Wampa Rug

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes back is regarded as one of the best sequels amongst the many Hollywood trilogies. The climax of Star Wars IV, where Luke destroys the Death Star, provides the perfect platform for the next episode. In the sequel, the Machiavellian Darth Vader is out for revenge against the rebel alliance. Amidst twists, turns, and a surprise ending, the dark lord finally gains an upper hand over the rebel alliance. This sets up the next episode and the final part of the trilogy.

One of the most memorable moments in the film is Darth Vader’s revelation to Luke that he is Luke’s father. This is widely regarded as one of the top ten movements in cinema history. 2010 marks the 30th anniversary of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes. To mark the occasion, ThinkGeek has a cute, cozy Wampa rug to add to your Star Wars collection.


The Wampa is a fictional polar bear like predator, with snow-white fur and sharp black claws. In the sequel, Luke battles a Wampa when he is in search for an imperial probe droid. The Jedi-in-training manages to free himself by slicing off the Wampa’s arm with his light saber.

The Wampa rug has none of the violent or predatorily tendencies displayed by it’s on-screen persona. In fact, the Wampa rug is so adorable that you may want to just cuddle up and never let go off it. Covered with soft, snowy fur; the rug has the Wampa’s trademark, curved horns and a wide, toothy grin.

The sharp contrast between its white fur and black claws elevates it from a geeky, collector’s item to a hip, décor statement.

Please do not think of this Star Wars inspired rug as just another collector item. For one, it has been made to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Star Wars sequel. Second, you can do a number of really radical things with the rug that will definitely up your coolness quotient.

If you are a fanboy of the space saga, the furry white rug can be used to spruce up your bachelor pad. The Wampa rug is definitely an attention grabber and there will be a deluge of women coming up to you and saying how cute the rug looks.

You could also use the rug for some role-playing. Your girlfriend can play the sumptuous Princess Leia while you play the strapping Han Solo. Whichever way you use the Wampa rug, it guarantees one thing: attention.  It will be available in the market at $99.99.

Isn’t this interesting? You can also take a look at other collectible items from Steampunk art collection such as Steampunk Womb Art and Greed Eater.