VLC Lands for iPad, Increases Awesomeness Factor

Apple has approved VLC player for the iPad, dramatically increasing its video playback capabilities. Versions for the iPhone / iPod touch to follow.


There’s no denying that the iPad is a nifty little device. Despite its criticisms such as the absence of an onboard camera or HDMI port, it has a lot going for it. People have lauded its screen clarity for video playback, but limited format support (H.264, .mp4 and .mov) has been the dealbreaker for many. I’ve always sought out portable devices with extended format support, as most of my video library is made up of encoded backups from a while back.

That won’t be an issue anymore as we’re excited to bring you news that the “universal media player” VLC has been ported to the iPad, courtesy of the kind folks at Applidium, which means support for notable formats like DivX and Xvid among others. I’m personally delighted to hear this piece of news as the VLC player has been a staple on all my machines ever since the first stable version came about. I recall it coming as a relief then, as prior to the universal media players that we take for granted today, there was a need to install a separate codec for virtually every video file acquired from the internet.

Best of all, it’s free! But wait, there’s more. In addition to the iPad version, word has it that iPhone and iPod touch versions are in the works. Though functionality is currently limited to playback only on the iPad, our mouths are watering at the possibility of streaming video over Wi-Fi between all these devices using the power of VLC. Will we live to see the day? Keep tuning into Walyou for the good stuff.

Click here to download VLC for the iPad from the itunes store.

Looking for other awesome apps for your iPad? Check out Magnetic Draw to bring back some childhood memories, or Camera-A/Camera-B to take images on your iPhone and transfer them over to the iPad instantaneously over Wi-Fi.

Via: RedmondPie