Wear Domo-kun Plush Hat and Keep Negative Vibes Away

Most cultures have superstition about evil-eyes which cause more harm than good. Evil eye could be interpreted as negative vibes which people who don’t like us send our way and it does destroy mental peace. If you want to feel safe and ward off evil eyes, intentions and all haunting ghosts then Domo-kun Plush Hat might just do the trick.

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Domo-kun began life as Japanese TV channel mascot, gained popularity and has even featured in various video games and online games. The monster face with open mouth and saw tooth has mysteriously become very endearing character all over the world. Domo-kun Plush Hat will certainly make heads turn and smile and will turn all evil eyes into smiling ones.


Sometimes accessories like hats or bags do boost our confidence and sense of security. Domo-kun is the best companion if you want to extract smiles and positive vibes from people around you. Domo-kun Plush Hat is made of pure polyester and is water resistant. It is ideal for winter night outs for it will help you keep warm on snowy nights without getting wet. Domo-kun hat costs $19.99 and can even be worn to Halloween parties or given away as a gift to geek friends.

If  you love wearing funny hats and are fan of open mouth toothy fun characters then do take a look at Cheshire Cat and White Rabbit HatAwesome Alice in Wonderland Hats or even check out the Domo Kun Dress.