If you are an avid traveler, you would know what a hectic it is to carry with you all those heavy bags. One bag to drag, one bag on the shoulders, and still your accessories are in your hand.
Don’t you wish for a better bag that is capable of carrying all your goods and provide you comfort whenever you wanted? If you do, then the Travelteq is for you!
What is Travelteq?
In these pictures you can see the Travelteq and a smaller bag. The bigger attraction is actually Travelteq (carry case), which is pretty small to be shoved beneath your car seat, yet big and sturdy enough to provide you comfort. You must be wondering what type of comfort it can provide. Don’t worry we aren’t referring to a good hand grip or something, what we are talking about is that this carry case can actually turn into a chair wherever and whenever you want! Now, isn’t that surprising? It for sure is, and travelers would love it.
Imagine, you are at the airport waiting for the clearance, wouldn’t it be better to convert your carry case into a seat and rest on it? That would be fantastic and of course nobody can say no to it.
In the carry case, you also have a smart Kangaroo department that is meant for storing your laptop, pencils, papers, and similar things. The best part is that you won’t need to open up the entire bag to get your hands on your stuff. All you would need to do is to simply open up this compartment and get your accessories.
Also integrated in Travelteq is Trip Sound which is a sound system with top quality speakers allowing you to listen to your music whenever and wherever you want.
Travelteq is pretty solid so you won’t need to worry about it breaking down while sitting on it. It is available for €650. I don’t think that’s a high price for such a thing. Believe it or not, once you have this bag you won’t need to find a place to sit. Your carry case will be your everything!
Check out some more travel accessories here: Trek Support Electric Backpack and The NES Controller Backpack.