Sweet Tweet Twitter Towel

Social networking is a major trend and a major aspect of techno-culture for those of us living in the “Internet generation.” People everywhere are getting involved and finding niche social outlets is no longer a difficult thing to do. More often than not, geek culture and real life become inherently interwoven as people take their daily routines and stick them on accessible online hubs.The inverse is apparently and gradually becoming true too, as people are taking  the Internet culture and social networking and making them things of real life. One example of this is the Twitter Towel.


The design for these towels features a personalized  Tweet  (in 140 characters or less, of course) and is custom embroidered. It makes for a great geeky gift, especially if you send it to someone as an @reply with your own Twitter ID. The one in the image above was sent from WeAreWhatWeDo, the creators of the neat little Twitter memorabilia dishtowels.



The towels have a nice personal touch and the overall look is simple, yet emblematic of Twitter. It has the familiar Twitter mascot and also the clouds which take their place on the background of the Twitter homepage.


The towel is 42 cm x 60 cm (16.5″ x 23.6″) made from woven cotton that had a diagonal hanging hook to hang out for drying and embroidering detail.



Of course, the presentation of this little mailable Tweet is pretty cool, too; the envelope has a mail window where you can see the tweet without opening the towel, so if you happen to be a dish towel collector, this is a good way to keep it presentable.



What makes this towel even more awesome is that when you buy one, all profits go to the We Are What We Do Charitable Foundation to fund their digital inclusion projects to get everyone involved in big environmental and social movements.




This towel is pretty cool and the profits go towards a good cause, so it’s a feel-good purchase all around.

For more Twitter related house products, you can check out this Twitter Sticky Note Pad or this Twitter Cuckoo Clock

via If It’s Hip, It’s Here