Cardboard Surfboard on Thingiverse

Believe it or not, there are people in this world who can create things which can literally amuse you. Today, we will be talking about one such person who makes surfboards from cardboards! Yup, that is right my friend, cardboard surfboards and they don’t even sink.

The person who makes these surfboards is Mike Sheldrake and he makes them pretty well. It’s actually been more than a year since Mike is making these surfboards but recently he uploaded a tutorial of how you can make these yourself. It is actually quite good to know that a person is sharing such a skill with us. Usually, we get to see people trying to hide their talents or sell their talents but Mike is a person who is now telling you how you can be a cardboard surfboard maker yourself!


What is the surfboard about?

Okay, the thing is that Mike makes these surfboards out of interlocked ribs of cardboards. Of course, to protect them from absorbing water, he coats them up with fiberglass sheets. The first time we actually saw him was last year at the Maker Faire showing his surfboards to people. It was actually quite amusing to see that you can surf with a cardboard surfboard. I personally never thought that could have happened ever. But like I said, some people are just gifted and so is Mike.

Anyways, the good part is that the surfboards that amused me once can actually be created by myself today. I am quite happy to know that Mike has uploaded a tutorial for it. Although it is not a complete tutorial, it still manages to help you out quite a lot. I mean there are certain things which you will need to buy from Mike because you can’t really make them at home. Even then, you still save up the assembling cost and moreover, you get to learn as well. Moreover, I am quite sure that once you go through the process of assembling it, you will be able to figure out how to make the other parts too.

Check out some more water sports gadgets here: Scuba Diving Gets Easier With HydroBOB and The Bluetooth Electronic Three-Wheeled Surfboard.

Via: Makezine