Sing Out Loud with the Yeti THX Certified USB Mic

The World Wide Web has been experiencing a sharp increase both in the number of self-publishing garage musicians and the popularity of podcasts, and you can’t do any of that without a good quality mic to belt out your vocals. Join as we take a look at the Yeti THX certified USB mic from Thinkgeek.

Yeti THX Usb Microphone

People often fish out lots of money for speakers and headphones but then cheap out when it comes to purchasing mics. Long gone are the days of those cheap and plasticky mono mics which picked up all sorts of noise including your brother’s snoring. Enter the Yeti THX certified USB mic. Remember those awesome THX sound checks in the theatres just before the main feature? When a product is certified by THX, you can bet your Sunday hat it’s going to be good. Just for the record, THX is a quality assurance system which was developed to ensure that the audio for 3rd Star Wars film Return of the Jedi would be reproduced faithfully in theatres. So you can be sure of audio clarity and faithful reproduction.


Yeti THX Usb Microphone In Use

The mic has tons of features like gain control, a mute button, zero latency headphone output, its own monitor output and the ability to work cardioid, bidirectional and omnidirectional. Also 3 condenser capsules mean that you can set up the mic to condense audio between sound sources. One thing is for sure, the folks over at Thinkgeek do the work for us, and when they stock something, you can be sure it’s laden with features. Best of all, this one won’t burn a crater- sized hole in your pocket. A low price of $149.99 means that I might just treat myself with one of these for the holidays.

Yeti THX Usb Microphone In Use Detail

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