Nike Air Shoes Made Up Of Cardboard!

What does a person who has a fetish for shoes do when he has ample of time and some good artistic minds? Well, he makes those shoes from anything he can get his hands on. I know that whatever I am saying is a bit over the limit, but what else do you expect when you take a look at these Nike Air shoes Designs, which to my utter disbelief are made up of cardboard.Nike air made up of cardboard (1)

Nike air made up of cardboard (2)

Well, as you see in the images, I wasn’t anywhere close to a joke. Whatever I said has been artistically proved by Chris Anderson. This guy beautifully made this replica of a famous model of Nike’s shoes called Nike Air from cardboard. Even the brand and the model name are written with white cardboard.


Nike air made up of cardboard (3)

Nike air made up of cardboard (4)

Nike air made up of cardboard (5)

Only the laces are made up of something that they are originally expected and supposed to be made up of. To cross all heights, this dude over here even made the packaging box himself. Well, the box is always originally supposed to be of cardboard, but the pains taken are worth some appreciation.

Nike air made up of cardboard (6)

Nike air made up of cardboard (7)

I don’t know if this piece of art is up for grabs or no, but, I bet that no one would mind paying a generous amount of bucks for this thing, what say? Till then you may call in your friends and enjoy the soccer season with the Nike Foosball Table, which just kinda makes your day.