Door 1, Door 2, or One of These 17 Doors That Are Cool

Unless you have a dark mission, door is usually the first thing you pass before entering a house. For a geek’s house, an outstanding door is needed to give your guest a clear impression of how geeky you are and what you guest should be aware of ahead. Here is the list of 17 coolest door creations for a kick-ass house.

Star Trek Inspired Air Compressed Door

The guy behind Uiproductions has come up with an air powered door similar to in the one used in Star Trek. When you press the button, the door opens automatically thanks to an air valve, an air compressor and other electric parts. Of course it also closes automatically once you walk past.


Key-fob Opener Door

Source: Hackaday

Creating an automatic dorm room door opener is undoubtedly one of the geekiest way to impress your mates, and a student at Vassar did it beautifully with this cool hack. The big box mounted on the inside of the door houses a printer head carriage that does the physical turning of the handle while the project box on the left is a board that takes care of the wireless fob communications.

Ping Pong Table Door


The Ping Pong table door, as it sounds, is a door that doubles as a ping pong table. Designed by Tobias Franzel, this wonderful creation is suitable for both ping pong enthusiasts whose rooms are too small for a table and those who simply want something cool in their rooms.

Power Generating Revolving Doors


Image Source: OhGizmo!

In a typical office building, thousands of people pass through revolving doors a day and Fluxxlab has come up with an idea to harvest that human power. The Revolution Door is a turbine that uses a central core to efficiently convert the motion of the spinning door into electricity.

ETAF Automatic Door


Image Source: Gearlog

ETAF automatic door is a 21st century gadget that functions like it’s from a sci-fi movie.  Consisting of 35 rows of two-inch tall, vertical sliding metal bars that are split down the middle, the ETAF door can sense a person’s height and width, then slide the metal stripes on the door open just enough to let them through.

Chalkboard Panel Door


Image Source: Why Me Design

Designed by Simpson Door, the magnetic chalkboard panel door is a fantastic idea for those who have limited living space. You can write on them, stick magnets to them, doodle on them just for fun.

Nautilus-style Steampunk Door


One of the most beautiful steampunk designs, the Nautilus-style submarine door from Chris Schaie features Chris’ familiar irising peephole as well as a new multiple bolt mechanism that locks and unlocks by turning the impressive handwheel.

Doctor Who Tardis Door


Image Source: NerdBastards

The unreliable, obsolete Tardis that can take you to any point in time and space has become a trademark of Doctor Who. Show off your true sci-fi spirit with the Doctor Who-inspired TARDIS skin from Fantasy Factor for your door for only $350 painted.

Lego Door


Image Source: designboom

We have been playing with Lego since forever, and it surprises me that I have never thought of using Lego pieces to build my own door before.

Modular Wood Curtain Door


Image Source: Dornob

Composed of lush dark-wood panels, Matharoo Associates’ modular wood door works beautifully either as a door or a curtain. They can ‘bend’ open, ‘fold’ closed, and be held in any one of an infinite set of modular options in between.

3-in-1 Door 1


Image Source: apartment therapy

3 in 1 door is a brilliant concept that includes 3 different doors for adults, children and pets on one panel. Each door comes with a looking-through window even though it’s doubtful that pets will ever use it.

3-in-1 Door 2


Image Source: Dornob

Also based on 3-in-1 concept, ThreeStyle’s door doesn’t pay tribute to pets. Rather than that 3 doors are for: adults, kids and smaller kids. If you are too lazy to remember the order, simply open the biggest door and everybody can get through.

3-in-1 Door 3


Image Source: kidtropolis

This beautiful Dutch-style castle door serves more to entertain kids rather than to complicate adults. Beside the small door and smaller door concept, the top door can be used as a window or as part of the bigger door for adults.

White-Meyer House Door


Image Source: U Street Girl

This cool door, spotted at White-Meyer House, has no outstanding practical use other than fooling unsuspecting adults and impressing kids.

Road Decal Door


Image Source: Coolil

The poetic door-way correlation gives it perfect sense to turn your door into a cartoon road. This super cute door decal from Studio Luka is designed especially for door size but can be used on walls and other surfaces you wish.

Funny Face Door


Image Source: designboom

Painted in Simpson’s colors, the funny face door is one happy door. The big smile is the heartiest welcome to your guests: “Come. The fun is happening inside.”

Sticker Mania’s Door


Image Source: Ioan Sameli

This door, undoubtedly owned by a sticker mania in New York, gives us a worthy lesson how to make an eye-catching door: put whatever sticker you have on the door, and the result – no matter what it is – will be cool.