DIY Lego Candy Machine

Looking for some extra cash on the side? If you’ve got a bit of extra Lego pieces scattered under your bed and a surplus of candy, especially M&M or skittles in your kitchen, than maybe a Lego candy machine is the way to go to take care of your financial problems.

Actually, you need a bit of brains and talent to make this one work. It also requires a bit of blasphemy regarding Lego pieces, as the unofficial bible to the building blocks clearly says that one shall never cut or superglue Lego parts together. It’s simply cheating.


But if you don’t care about unwritten rules, then there’s hope for you. The guy narrating the video claims that he made the machine when he was 12-13. Maybe it’s true, maybe he was a little bit older. Before he opens it up to show us the mechanism, it actually looks simple enough – A removable top to fill the candy container, two slots for coins (only nickels) and a clever and hidden way to take out your coins.

But it’s a lot more complicated than that, as you might have expected. The machine recognizes only nickels and swallows everything else, or simply doesn’t accept them (quarters are too big). The way it accepts the money and pushes out the candy? Genius, or simply very cool.