DJ iPod Turntable with the Scroll Wheel

This DJ iPod Turntable concept is pretty cool. It mods a few iPods together, so the scroll wheels are used as scratch turntables to perform your musical magic on. By size, it does not compare to the ease of use on regular vinyl scratching, but at the same time does not have a tremendous load if you want to perform.


If you take a second to think about the iPod dJ Turntable, it is fairly practical. A DJ or any music fan could load a massive library of music to carry anywhere. In addition, you can set different libraries for different performances, ideas, or effects. With the scroll wheel already provided with the music library, it would be really advantageous to simply scratch on it to prove your DJing skills.

I love different musical modification that allow different creations, sounds and abilities using products we take for granted or ones we wouldn’t think could be used for music in the first place. We can always laugh at the Pizza Box Turntable, the Modded Electrical Saw playing Amazing Grace, or even Music Monitor Radiation, but all of these are extremely creative and are worth the praise.

More information can be found at iPodJ.

Thanks to Carlos for the tip.