The Facebook IPO Could Lead to Spike in Silicon Valley Real Estate [Infographic]

Is the Social Network’s IPO propelling Silicon Valley’s real estate market?

The current value of San Francisco Bay Area homes faces a sharp uptick due to all the new Facebook millionaires looking to throw around their dough.

Our question is, what will this mean for new geek home mods? Will the Facebook team be able to top these 15 geeky home theaters, will their Mr. Whiskers be lavishing in his new TARDIS home or are they planning on placing one of these 12 geeky welcome mats at their front door?

From Zillow, by Visually. Browse more data visualizations.

With speculation that Facebook and other recent IPOs could contribute to another Bay Area housing boom, Zillow looked at the effect of widespread wealth on local housing market.


Zillow has found that median Silicon Valley home values are consistenyly up to 15 times that of the median US home value and there has been a recent uptick in million dollar listings parallel with the Facebook IPO.

What’s your take on the matter?