What does one man with a little too much time on his hands do? He chooses to build a life size replica of the Millennium Falcon. Now where do you park something like that?
When most of us think about building replicas of the Millennium Falcon, we think of LEGOs or some other building material which will provide us with a small recreation we can put on a shelf or hang from the ceiling. This is about as far as our imagination often takes us. A box of LEGOs. But for Chris Lee, that is not enough. See, Chris Lee has a dream and that dream is the build a full size replica of the Millennium Falcon. Over the next five to seven years, Chris will continue to build the model. But this model will not only be of the outside, but of the inside as well!
Chris is using the DK Ultimate Collection blueprints as his guide to determine the dimensions of his replica. According to the dimensions:
Length: 114 feet
Beam (docking ring to docking ring): 81.485 feet
Height to top of body (not counting quad-laser turret): 24.878 feet
Height to top of dish: 30.889 feet
Clearance: ground to landing gear bay level: 7.779 feet
Clearance: ground to outside bottom of cockpit tube: 13.081 feet
As of right now, Chris has nearly completed the cockpit console as well as one of the exterior quad-guns. But that is it. Really, that is all. It will be interesting to see if he can actually complete his project in the time that he has allotted himself. I don’t know about you, but I’d like to visit the monstrosity once it is done because really, that would be something interesting.
Look below at pictures of what it will look like once complete as well as the few parts that have already been completed. For more information, check out Chris’ official website to see his process.
(Via: Geekologie)
For more interesting, and slightly more plausible, recreations of the iconic Millennium Falcon, check out a Millennium Falcon made out of spare car parts and a Millennium Falcon made out of cake!