Gingerbread Optimus Prime Is an Edible Proof of Geekiness

Thought that the gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel was cool? Wait till you see the gingerbread Optimus Prime a geeky Norwegian created.

Made by Caroline Eriksson, this incredibly awesome Transformer is designed after the Bruckheimer movie version of Optimus Prime. Some say that the version from the original animated series and the toy line would have been a better choice, but take a look at Caroline’s sweet robot before judging her. Since gingerbread is a staple during holiday season, people are trying to get creative and shape it into different forms.


Caroline submitted her gingerbread Optimus Prime to a Norwegian contest focusing on gingerbread houses and such. The competition is pretty tough, but I do think that Caroline has great chances of winning the grand prize, the equivalent of $6,500. This way, she could afford buying more ingredients for gingerbread and who knows what she’d make next? A Kaiju from Pacific Rim or maybe even Godzilla would look awesome if made from gingerbread, especially if some colored icing is added to the mix. On the other hand, she could try making all the other robots from the Transformers movies and cartoons.

Above is a picture of the gingerbread Optimus Prime next to its ginger creator, Caroline. After seeing this, you should have a good idea about how big this gingerbread Transformer actually is. This sweet autobot may not be entirely edible, though. Considering its scale, it’s anyone’s guess that it’s held together just by icing. Caroline has yet to describe how she made this gingerbread Transformer, but hot glue and a metal skeleton as the frame represent one of the possible options. If this is the case, then the entire gingerbread sculpture could have been a lot larger than that. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying.

Don’t play with your food! How many of you have heard the parents telling you this at an early age? It would definitely be easier to count the ones who haven’t. Still, if all food looked as great at this gingerbread autobot, I think that playing with it would no longer be a crime. More than that, what would it be if food had a conscience of its own and could transform at will? Now this could be a good scenario for a sci-fi (or even horror, if you prefer gory twists) flick.

If you liked this post, please check this gingerbread house built using CAD and lasers and the tasty gingerbread geodesic dome made by Scout Regalia.