Handheld Browser Mouse WeraMouse


Here is another cool handheld mouse which is perfect for Internet browsing and simple use. It is called the WeraMouse and makes it easy to use wirelessly as you lean back on your easy chair.

The WeraMouse has two versions: a Trackball Mouse or a Trackpad Mouse and both are handheld and comfortable. The Wireless mouse itself is shaped like an egg and is held as easily as you would your cup of coffee.



By the contour shape, you can use your thumb for all that is needed: scrolling through the screen with the scroll button and both right and left buttons for every day use. It may need a little extra thumb reach to be able to do all in one go, but with a little bit of practice, all Internet users could find the right path.

The Wireless technology grants a range of 25 feet, which is more than enough for regular use. Currently the wireless trackball mouse version is priced at $99 with the trackpad price not yet given.


Technical Specs for the Wireless Trackball Mouse:

Up to 8 meter range.
Rechargable, Li-ion battery, with up to 28 hours of use on each charge.
1 ½ hour charge.
Charges by USB cable to your computer.
TrackBall Cursor movement component.
No software required
Plug in the USB receiver, wait for recognition, and the charged WearMouse is ready
No adjustments needed to your computer settings
Works in either hand, that is, Right or Left handed
Works with all computers with a USB port
Works with ALL operating systems, including Apple
The perfect browser and gaming mouse!

Battery – lithium; capacity – 500mA; working current – 17mA; charging time – 1.5 hours; charge good for 15 working hours; life time – 500 charges.

Product Via: HardwareSphere