Insert Coin Introduces New Line Of Sega Apparel

Looking good and looking for good tees and hoodies based on popular Sega games has never been this easy with Insert Coin’s new line of casual gaming-influenced attire.

Hazuki Tiger hoodie back Sega Insert Coin Image


Need some new gaming-inspired duds? You’re in luck! United Kingdom-based clothing retailer Insert Coin, who specializes in apparel featuring stylish subtle nods to some of your favorite videogames, has paired up with Sega once more to present a new line of gaming garb based on a few classic Sega properties.

I say “once more”, because last year the two banded together and released a pair of Sonic the Hedgehog t-shirts that were quite cool. And so appears to be their newly dubbed “Sega Reloaded” line too, which will sport themes from Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, Streets of Rage, Revenge of Shinobi, and more.

Every piece is 100% officially branded and the designs – such as those cheerfully eye-popping Beat and Gum tees from Jet Set Radio – are exclusive to the outfitter. They’re also pretty pricey; that awesome hoodie way on top that resembles the leather jacket worn by Shenmue’s Ryo Hazuki? The one that demands you to throw money at? Cost: around $55 and change.

Beat TokyoTo tshirt Sega Insert Coin ImageGum TokyoTo tshirt Sega Insert Coin Image

Wowzers, as Inspector Gadget would say. Oh, and those lovely tees aren’t much of a basement bargain either. An Axel Stone Dojo t-shirt that’s clearly a sweet tribute to Sega’s famed side-scrolling action series, Streets of Rage? About $40.

I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer by fronting the “too hot to handle” cost of this Sega-related clothing line ahead of your excitement, but I thought it best to get the bad news out of the way first. Plus, you’ve got to remember that we’re talking about designer apparel here.

This tends to mean high-quality products, and yup, usually a higher end cost. But hey, word on the grapevine is that when it comes to this outliner, keenly the high-quality bit, Insert Coin is one of the best; their stuff has been known to be top-notch in the fit and wear department, along with their reliable customer service.

Stone Dojo tshirt Sega Insert Coin ImageMusashi Ninja Magic tshirt Sega Insert Coin Image

I personally give this “Sega Reloaded” clothing line two “shut up and take my money” thumps up. I also give two big thumbs up to this hand-made Final Fantasy VI Monopoly Set and absolutely fantastic Dragon Slayer Armor from the Game of Thrones, which you can find both featured here on Walyou.