iOS 4.3.1 Jailbreak Released

iPhone 4.3.1 has just been jailbroken thanks to Redsn0w, PwnageTool and DevTeam, according to Redmond Pie.

4.3.1 Jailbreak

Unfortunately, you won’t be breaking your iPad 2 just yet, as the OS crack is currently only compatible with the original iPad, iPhones and iPod Touches. The untethered update is the first of its kind of brand new iOS 4.3.1 update and undoubtedly exciting for Apple hackers across the globe.


For the complete run down of the software, check out Redmond Pie’s handy video demonstration below:

Thankfully the break does work for PC and Macs since Redsn0w is compatible with both OS’s. In addition, if you’re looking to jailbreak your iPhone 4 and/or 3GS to unlock other networks, you’ll need to use PwnageTool or Sn0wbreeze (depending on PC/Mac OS) to access those features.

As with any jailbreak, if you don’t want to void your warranty, don’t even think about it. And if you don’t care because you can’t afford Apple Care anyway, make sure to backup your device on iTunes before trying anything. There’s nothing worse than a bricked $500 iPad you can’t fix.

For more on jailbreaking, be sure to check out GreenPoison and  PS3 Jailbreak.

Via: Redmond Pie