Comic Artist Jim Lee Sketches Batman on His iPad

When I was first linked to this video on YouTube, the heading I was given was just a vague mention of timelapsed footage of someone doing a stunning Batman sketch using an iPad. None of that is untrue, but whoever wrote that apparently did not realize that they were totally missing out on the best part of the story: that the artist messing around on his iPad in the video is none other than comic artist superstar Jim Lee!


It took me a moment to realize it, myself. Watching the video, I kept thinking to myself, “Man, this artist is really good.” I finally tore my eyes away long enough to look at the username. Imagine my surprise upon seeing the name “jimlee00” in the corner of the screen. Turns out Lee has his own channel, and frequently posts video of himself doing sketches at home and for fans at comic conventions.

For those of you who are new to the world of comics, it might be helpful to fill you in on why this is so exciting. Lee, 46, is a Korean-born American artist who has worked for Marvel, Image, and DC Comics, and is the creator of Wildstorm Productions, which he sold to DC in 1999. His work includes art for Uncanny X-Men, Frank Miller’s All-Star Batman and Robin, Marvel’s  Heroes Reborn series, and several others.

With all his experience drawing the Caped Crusader, it’s no wonder his work looks impeccable, even when he’s just sitting at home messing around on Sketchbook Pro.