The iRetrophone Steampunk Dock: Because Your iPhone Deserves It.

Do you fancy yourself as fashionable? Do you own that perfect iPhone but you still miss those outdated, ancient telephones that good ole grandpa owned? Well, now you can have the perfect product that combines both fashion and technology! The iRetrophone Steampunk Dock, which is the creation of artist Scott Freeland, has been included in his iRetrophone Steampunk Copper Edition is available in not just one, but in three different versions!The iRetrophone Dock Because Your iPhone Deserves It 2

Freeland’s new dock is beautifully crafted, sculpted and polished to perfection by hand with cold cast copper and half an inch thick of urethane resin and the base of the dock bears the Freeland Logo, signed personally by the artist himself. Now, if you’re thinking that this just looks fabulous to look at, you would be surprised at the level of functionality that it comes with. Besides being compatible with any iPhone, including the iPhone 3, iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4, the iRetrophone Dock comes with a fully functional, beautiful, retro handset, it has some special space made on the inside to hide your USB charging cable when your iPhone is docked and can be used to charge and sync your iPhone. Available at the price of just $450, it is a very small price to pay in order to experience a touch of class right there in your living room. Just right for all those who wanted a dock but not the iBra.

The iRetrophone Dock Because Your iPhone Deserves It 3


So, the question remains: Do you love your iPhone enough? If you do, it’s time to treat it to some old-school technology – like the radiation free iRetophone Dock maybe? After all this, i am sure you would love to lay your hands on the iPhone Cupcakes.

Freeland Studios Via: iPhone Savior