Kid Icarus: Uprising Cosplayer Is Rid-‘Icarus’-ly Good

Caught at PAX East 2012, it’s a flippin’ fantastic cosplay of Pit from the Nintendo 3DS game, Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Kid Icarus Uprising Cosplayer PikminLink 2


Time once again to shine the Internet spotlight on another awesomely talented cosplayer, who not only has the courageous fortitude to subject themselves to countless ogling eyeballs everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE, but also has the skills and dedication to bring to life a character of fiction; typically from the worlds of video games, comics, and movies.

Coming off his recent Nintendo 3DS appearance, after a long, long nineteen-year old nap, we found out that angelic hero Pit, from Kid Icarus: Uprising, made a quick stop at this year’s Penny Arcade Expo in Boston, or as the locals commonly refer it as, BAHSTON. You know,  I heard that game was wicked good – and here, Pit looks quite wicked good himself.

To be honest though, I should be saying “herself.” Let me get out my Austin Power’s voice for this one. Ahem… Because that’s not a boy, it’s a girl, baby!

More specifically, and less like an annoying goofball, it’s exquisite female cosplayer PikminLink. You might remember her from many nerd-related convention outings dressed as Link from Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda series; Sailor Jupiter from Naoko Takeuchi’s Salior Moon manga, and Harry Potter from J.K. Rowling’s set of similarly-named fantasy novels.

Kid Icarus Uprising Cosplayer PikminLink 1

PikminLink – current northern California native and Hungarian transplant – has been cosplaying ever since 1998, and thus she’s quite well-versed about the craft. Wonderfully, she’s managed to pull together the best of her abilities to produce a Kid Icarus outfit that is really darn great. Über cute too!

Her Pit cosplay was so spectacular in fact, that Nintendo deemed her the official cosplayer for Kid Icarus: Uprising at PAX East 2012. What an honor, indeed. Nintendo even gave her pointers by providing design references so that she could create an absolutely sweet real world approximation – angel wings, shiny weapons, and feathered hair (oh, that feathered hair!) in all.

What’s on the Walyou menu for today? Well, those smug-faced pigs better watch out, because those Angry Birds now have new plan of attack from above. Helicopters! Plus, check out these hand painted Sonic the Hedgehog sneakers that are so cool, they’ll make you wish you had these puppies on your feet.